Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Good news! We have the sun back after several glomy days. A weak Autumnal sun but sun never the less.
Th garden is full of golden brown spiders all sitting in webs covered in overnight dew drops which are sparkling in the sunshine-- my favourite Season is here. Love those autumn colours and spicy scentsThe evenings are drawing in now and it is quite dark by 6pm and we need the lights on by about 6,20pm so guess Autumn is really here and Winter is on the way.
 Glenn has had his 24 hour heart monitor reading done and now has to wait for the rsults which is a bit of a tense time especially for him.Mandy and him are having a bit of a rough time healthwise at the moment.
Pray god all turns out well for them.
My best boy Ben is now back at Uni in Portsmouth and we speak most days on messenger. Exciting for him as this is his second year and so he has left Halls and is renting a house along with 4 other students.

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