Wednesday, 2 November 2016

November is here.

Today is the 2nd of November and the first REALLY cold day that we have had.We have had the early morning mists for several days now and the Canada Geese have arrived for thrir winter visit which inspired me to writr the following poem;


One Autumn  morning we awake and hear a distant sound
Of honking in the air which suddenly gets loud ,
Then through the dampness and the white
 There soon appears a magic sight
 A vee shaped flock of honking geese,announcing they are here
To spend the winter months with us till Spring should reappear.
The triumphant noise of strident call and flapping wings
An anthem to their journey ‘s end and the respite that it brings
From the dangers of that journey over dark and treacherous  seas                           
A chance to rest on waters calm and aching  wings to ease.
To fill their beaks with luscious weed and take a well earned  rest.
And when I see them back again I feel truly blessed
And know each morn and night they will pass my way again
Till at last winter’s grip will slowly begin to  wane
And then a final farewell flypast will see them on their way .
Till once again the time will come when they return to stay
 And spend next winter safe  upon our  more clement  shore
 And we will be glad to see  them  here once more.

                                                   Pam Davis copyright 2016

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